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Troubleshooting Guide

By Shruti Chaturvedi

Most common problems

Learn about the possible reasons your Uffizzi ephemeral environments might be failing and how you can fix them.


You’ve now added Uffizzi integration into your project; you create a new PR, and you’re getting ready to access your ephemeral environment and get your feature reviewed. But, something seems to have failed — it could be the container-build step or perhaps an issue with insufficient memory. Some of these issues, like an out-of-memory (OOM) error, can be due to application-level misconfigurations in the docker-compose.uffizzi.yml file, while other issues can be due to misconfigurations in appropriately setting-up GitHub Actions (or alternatively Uffizzi CI) to build your application and provision ephemeral environments.

This article will cover some of the top reasons your Uffizzi ephemeral environments might not be working and go through the process of fixing these issues so you can quickly get your ephemeral environments running efficiently.

1. Container killed due to insufficient memory (OOM Kill)

The most common reason Uffizzi ephemeral environments might not be working is an out-of-memory (OOM) error. This error occurs when a container does not have enough resources assigned to it.

If no memory limit is set in the docker-compose.uffizzi.yml, by default, Uffizzi sets a 500 megabytes (500M) memory limit on each container, which may not be sufficient for certain memory-intensive applications. If insufficient memory is allocated to a container, the container will either exit with the OOM error or sometimes with an application-specific exit code indicating that the containerized application needs more memory.

If you see your container exiting due to OOM Kill you can increase its memory by using the deploy.resources.limits key in your docker-compose.uffizzi.yml file.

memory defaults to 500M, but you can increase the memory using the following increments: 1000M, 2000M, and 4000M.

          memory: 500M

Uffizzi supports the following memory limits for a container 125M, 250M, 500M, 1000M, 2000M, and 4000M. Depending upon the memory usage of your application, you can set either of these limits on your containers. In case your application needs more memory, you can contact us here.

2. Container dependency chain is not working

Uffizzi does not currently support depends_on within the docker-compose.uffizzi.yml to define container dependencies. In case your container needs to wait for other containers to start, you can use tools like dockerize, wait4ports, or wait-for-it. dockerize supports waiting for services on a number of protocols: file, TCP, HTTP, HTTPS, and Unix. wait-for-it and wait4ports only support TCP sockets. To use dockerize and wait4ports, you can go through the installation steps to add these as dependencies in your application. wait4ports on the other hand is a shell script, and you’ll only need the script to use this tool.

Depending upon the tool you’re using, once it is configured, it can be used with the entrypoint or command directives in the docker-compose.uffizzi.yml. Alternatively, you can also wrap the call to your application using the ENTRYPOINT or CMD directives in the application’s Dockerfile.

For example, your backend application might need to wait for Postgres to be running before it starts. Here is how you can define that dependence in your docker-compose.uffizzi.yml using dockerize:

entrypoint: ["dockerize", "-wait", "tcp://localhost:5432", "-timeout", "3600s"] 

The timeout flag is optional. In case Postgres cannot be reached within the limits of the timeout, your application will exit with code 1.

This can also be defined using the command directive:

command: ["dockerize", "-wait", "tcp://localhost:5432", "-timeout", "3600s"] 

Using wait4ports:

entrypoint: ["wait4ports", "tcp://localhost:5432"] 

Using wait-for-it (make sure you have added the script to your application’s runtime):

entrypoint: ["./ tcp://localhost:5432"]

3. Init container finishes and a previously working environment throws Service Unavailable error

Often if an application has init containers, the ephemeral environments will start throwing a Service Unavailable error as soon as the init container completes successfully and exits. This happens because all the containers in a given environment have the same life cycle. Therefore, when an init container completes its execution and exits, the other containers also exit and your ephemeral environment might throw a 503 error.

To prevent your containers from exiting when the init containers complete execution, you’ll need to keep the init container running by providing it with an infinite process. There are a few of ways to do this:

  • Add an infinite loop at the end of the init-container script
  • Use tail -f /dev/null, or use sleep infinity
  • Adding any process that will keep the init container running will fix this issue

4. Volumes: file or directory is too large

When mounting host/non-empty volumes, you might get an error saying that the file or the directory you’re mounting is too large. Currently, Uffizzi support non-empty volumes for files and directories up to 1MB (compressed), although you can mount multiple volumes each up to 1M.

If the size of the file or the compressed folder you’re mounting exceeds 1MB, you’ll get the error - file or directory is too large during the creation of your ephemeral environment.

As a workaround, you can mount multiple non-empty volumes in your docker-compose.uffizzi.yml:

   image: myproject/app
     - ./frontend/public/svg:/frontend/public/svg
     - ./frontend/public/assets:/frontend/public/assets
     - ./frontend/src/app:./frontend/src/app

5. Passing files as source path to non-empty volumes

You cannot directly pass the path to files as non-empty volumes. The following way of mounting files will fail the deployment:

   image: nginx
     - ./nginx/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf

If you want to mount a file(s) onto your container, you can place it in a directory and mount the directory. You can try the previous case in this way:

   image: nginx
     - ./nginx:/etc/nginx

If you are using Uffizzi CI, you can utilize the configs directive in the docker-compose.uffizzi.yml file. The above, in Uffizzi CI, can be achieved in the following way:

    image: nginx
      - source: nginx-conf
        target: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
    file: ./nginx/nginx.conf

6. Setting and accessing sensitive environment variables

If you are trying to set sensitive environment variables like access tokens, secret keys, etc, there are different ways to do this in the Uffizzi CI and external CI providers like GitHub Actions.

Uffizzi CI

Uffizzi CI supports the secrets directive in the docker-compose.uffizzi.yml. These secrets should be first added through the Uffizzi dashboard (check out how to add secrets in the Uffizzi dashboard) and then these can be accessed securely across all services in the stack.


    image: postgres:9.6
      - pg_user
      - pg_password

    external: true
    name: "POSTGRES_USER"
    external: true

Make sure to set the external flag to true—it indicates that the secret object (name/value pair) is declared in the Uffizzi Dashboard (UI).

External CI Providers

If you are using external CI providers like GitHub actions, GitLab CI, etc, you cannot directly use the secrets directive. However, you can still use sensitive information in your application by storing it within your external CI provider and accessing it through the environment directive in the docker-compose.uffizzi.yml file with variable substitution.

Example with GitHub Actions Once you have added the secrets to your GitHub repository, these can be accessed in your GitHub Actions (GHA) workflow file. You can then export them and consequently, they will be available for use within your compose file.

After you have added your secret to your GitHub repository, add the following line to the Render Compose File step in the render-compose-file job:


render-compose-file after adding the above line:

    name: Render Docker Compose File
    # Pass output of this workflow to another triggered by `workflow_run` event.
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - some-job
      compose-file-cache-key: ${{ steps.hash.outputs.hash }}
      - name: Checkout git repo
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Render Compose File
        run: |
          APP_IMAGE=${{ needs.some-job.outputs.tags }}
          export APP_IMAGE
          export SOME_SECRET
          # Render simple template from environment variables.
          envsubst < docker-compose.uffizzi.yml > docker-compose.rendered.yml
          cat docker-compose.rendered.yml

Once you export the secret from the GHA workflow file, you can leverage the environment directive in the docker-compose.uffizzi.yml file and through environment substitution, use this secret like below:

    image: app_fe_image
    image: app_be_image

Other issues?

If you're having issues with your Uffizzi ephemeral environment that are not listed above, get help on Slack or set up a Zoom call with a member of our Technical Support Team.