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Demo on Uffizzi button

Add the Demo on Uffizzi button to your repository's to give visitors a fast way to interact with your application in a live demo environment. This button requires no configuration by your users, and it does not require them to have a Uffizzi account.



The Demo on Uffizzi button is currently available only to Uffizzi Open Source Plan customers—i.e. it will not work on any arbitrary repo. Open source maintainers can contact us on Slack to configure this for their projects.

How it works

For qualifying projects, Uffizzi creates a public route of the the form<ACCOUNT>/<PROJECT>. When a user visits this endpoint (by clicking on the demo button), Uffizzi checks that a demo Compose file (docker-compose.demo.uffizzi.yml) is configured for the project. If it exists, Uffizzi will deploy this configuration to a demo environment.
